今天给各位分享putoff的知识,其中也会对cut off进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!
1、延期,推迟;拖延 They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后。Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了。
2、put off的用法:有“推延,延期”之意,put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。例如:Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。
3、脱去;除去 He is putting off his new clothes.他正在脱他的新衣服。(2) 关掉 Be sure to put off the light before you go out.在你出去前别忘了关灯。
4、put off 和take off的区别:put off 和take off表示脱掉的意思时,都是后加名词,比如衣服,眼镜等等。put off 还有推迟,扔掉,阻止的意思,take off还有起飞,离开的意思。
1、putoff的例句:They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后。Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.由于场地状况不佳,比赛推迟了。
2、put off +名词=put +物主代词 off 脱下 I put off my sweater after coming into the room . 我进屋后脱下运动衫。
3、put off的用法:有“推延,延期”之意,put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。例如:Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。
4、延期,推迟;拖延 They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后。Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了。
5、put off 和take off的区别:put off 和take off表示脱掉的意思时,都是后加名词,比如衣服,眼镜等等。put off 还有推迟,扔掉,阻止的意思,take off还有起飞,离开的意思。
推迟;扔掉;阻止 例句: So he put off dealing with it, week after week.于是他一周又一周地推迟处理这件事情。
put off 英[put f] 美[pt f][释义]延期; 敷衍; 使分心; 脱去(衣、帽等)延迟; 拖延; 推迟,拖延 双语例句:Dont put off todays work till tomorrow.今天能做的不要拖到明天。
put off意思:推迟,拖延,敷衍,搪塞,使反感,使失去兴趣,使分心,搅扰。put back意思:拖延,推迟。put over意思:描述出,解释清楚。
put off 推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟(和某人的)约会;拖延;延期:Weve invited friends to supper and its too late to put them off now.我已邀请朋友来吃晚饭,现在取消已来不及了。
put out的意思是熄灭、伸出、出版、使不方便、打扰,后面无须句子成分。例句:The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly l***ed up by the cat.你倒在碟子里的牛奶很快就被猫舔光了。
put out 释义:扑灭;伸出;出版 例句:It took them several hours to, put out the fire.他们花了几个小时扑灭了这场火。She put out a hand to help me up.她伸出手来帮我上去。
put out of work:解雇 put out feelers:试探 用法 put out表示熄灭或扑灭火灾等。put out表示发布或发行,如发布声明、发行书籍等。put out表示排放或散发,如排放废气、散发气味等。
put up:搭建、张贴或举起(建筑物、海报等);接待、留宿(某人)。put off:推迟、延期或取消(计划、会议等);使厌倦、使不愿意。
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