1、照顾好自己 take care of yourself!你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。dont worry yourself about me,i can take care of myself 2 答应我,你会特别小心照顾好自己。
2、“照顾好自己”用英文翻译过来是take care of yourself或者look after yourself.look after的英式读法是[lk ɑft];美式读法是[lk ftr]。
3、You should take care of yourself.Be careful about your health 你要照顾好自己,多注意身体 You must look after yourself and keep healthy.你一定要照顾好自己,保持身体健康。
4、其实口语的话一般说 take care 就行, take care of yourself 也是比较常见的。
5、Take (good)care of yourself.好好照顾你自己。Take care.保重。
6、“要好好照顾自己哦!别太累了,注意休息!”英语翻译为:Take good care of yourself!Dont be too tired. Pay attention to rest!。
1、学会照顾自己英文翻译:Learn to take care of yourself。learn单词释义:v.学,学习,学到,学会,听到,得知,获悉,to单词释义:向,朝,往,对着,位于…方向。take单词释义:携带,拿走,取走,运走,带。
2、你要照顾好自己,多注意身体!翻译成英语为:You should take good care of yourself and pay more attention to your health.这句话翻译为英语的时候需要使用固定搭配 take care of 和 pay more attention to 两个短语。
3、“照顾好自己”用英文翻译过来是take care of yourself或者look after yourself.look after的英式读法是[lk ɑft];美式读法是[lk ftr]。
4、英 [teik k v] 美 [tek kr v]照顾;杀掉;对付;抵消 Dont worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself 你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。
5、你应该好好利用这个机会。learn 含义:v. 学会;学习;得知。
“照顾好自己”用英文翻译过来是take care of yourself或者look after yourself.look after的英式读法是[lk ɑft];美式读法是[lk ftr]。
Take good care of yourself!照顾好你自己/好好照顾自己。
“要好好照顾自己哦!别太累了,注意休息!”英语翻译为:Take good care of yourself!Dont be too tired. Pay attention to rest!。
Take (good)care of yourself.好好照顾你自己。Take care.保重。
1、Good in English 在英语中,good是最常见和多功能的词之一,它有着广泛的用途和表达方式。当我们要表达“好的”、“优秀的”时,可以直接使用good。
2、好好的 good, well, h***y, comfortable, contented...不开心 unh***y, sad, miserable 我相要你好好的,不许你不开心 这句子直译会变成中式英语,准确的翻译要看 所谓“好好的”是什么意思。
3、翻译: very go珐d;beyond pare;as good as wheat;tiptop;very well;fin;百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
1、照顾好自己 take care of yourself!你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。dont worry yourself about me,i can take care of myself 2 答应我,你会特别小心照顾好自己。
2、“照顾好自己”用英文翻译过来是take care of yourself或者look after yourself.look after的英式读法是[lk ɑft];美式读法是[lk ftr]。
3、You should take care of yourself.Be careful about your health 你要照顾好自己,多注意身体 You must look after yourself and keep healthy.你一定要照顾好自己,保持身体健康。
4、Cherish yourself!珍惜自己。Take care yourself!照顾好自己。
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