stand out是什么意思?
stand out[ad.+v.=vi.]1显眼A tall man stands out in a crowd.个子高的人在人群中引人注目。2出色John stood out as a track star.约翰是一个杰出的竞赛明星
stand out和standout的区别?
1、发音区别:standout 发音:英 [ˈstændaʊt] 美 [ˈstændaʊt];stand out 发音:英 [stænd aʊt] 美 [stænd aʊt];
2、含义:stand out的意思有:引人注目;突出;显眼;出色;更为重要;凸起;凸出的意思。standout的意思是出色的(adj.);杰出的人或(n.);
3、用法上的区别:standout可以是名词,也可以是形容词。standout是动词。形容词standout例句:'Isobel' is another standout song. 翻译:《伊索贝尔》是另一首很出彩的歌
stand out造句?
1、Two numbers stand out .
2、to stand out a crisis
3、Don't be afraid to stand up and stand out .
you think no one can stand out against you—that's what you think.
When the organ does ***ear, it is not only impressive in size, but its bright pink color makes it stand out against the dark fur.
Geniuses, however they are defined, are but the peaks which stand out through the mist of history and are visible to the particular observer from his or her particular vantage point.