大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于oh susanna的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍oh susanna的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
Oh, Susanna-Roy Rogers
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee
I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see
It rained all night the day I left The weather it was dry
The sun so hot, I froze to death
Susanna, don't be cry.
Oh Susanna,don't you cry for me
I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee
I had a dream the other night when everything was still
I thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hill
歌词: I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee I'm going to Louisiana, My true love for to see It rained all night The day I left The weather it was dry The sun so hot, I froze to death Susanna, don't you cry Oh, Susanna, Oh don't you cry for me For I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee I had a dream the other night When everything was still I thought I saw Susanna A-coming down the hill The buckwheat cake Was in her mouth The tear was In her eye Says I, I'm coming from the south Susanna, don't you cry Oh, Susanna, Oh don't you cry for me For I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee 我们打从阿拉巴马来,还带着五弦琴; 要赶到路易斯安娜,去探望朋友们. 晚上起程大雨下不停,但地上挺干净, 太阳当空照我心冰冷,苏珊娜别哭泣! 噢,朋友们,别为我担心! 我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴. 昨晚上更深人静,我沉睡入梦乡, 在梦中见苏珊娜,漫步下山来相迎. 她嘴里吃着荞麦饼,但眼泪晶莹. 我离开故乡来找你,苏珊娜别哭泣! 噢,苏珊娜,你别为我哭泣! 我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴. 我马上要去新奥尔良,到四处去寻访, 当我找到苏珊娜,我愿跪倒在她身旁. 倘若不幸我要失望,就只有把命丧, 黄土长埋我也心甘情愿,苏珊娜别哭泣! 噢,苏珊娜,你别为我哭泣! 我来自阿拉巴马,带上心爱的五弦琴.