饶有兴趣 拼音ráoyǒuxìngqù 英文engrossing 意思:饶:很;特别。一般是指很有兴趣地看着一样物体或事物。 出处王朔《动物凶猛》:“看到米兰和留在亭子里的高家哥俩从容、饶有兴趣地聊起来,我感到欣慰。” 造句与上钩的鳟鱼斗仅是这项消遣的一个方面,但却是饶有兴趣的一个方面。 反义词意兴阑珊 近义词兴致勃勃兴致盎然津津有味饶有兴致 答案对你有帮助
action movie造句?
1.She has been filming new action movie Salt for the past couple of months but finds herself ever more drawn to the political.
2.I'm going to find an action movie where all my brain has to do is handle the sensory overload!
3.Today, Peter was teaching a very famous person who was making an action movie.
1.Yes. I'm going to see an action movie.是的,我去看一部动作片。
2.I ( don't)( want) to see an action movie.我想看一部动作片。
3.We know that is a very successful action movie.我们知道那是一部非常成功的动作片。
4.Jennifer Lawrence is the highest-grossing action movie ***e.詹妮弗·劳伦斯:票房最高动作片女星